FAQ - Frequently Asked Questions
How to setup IPCAMAPP?
- Reset Camera to Factory default
- Unplug the power from the camera
- Plug in the power to the camera.
- Hold the "reset" button on the back of the device for 20 seconds
- Plug in a network cable on the router and connect it to your network
- (You may need to power cycle the camera again without holding in the reset button if it doesn't connect to the network)
- Login to your router admin panel and copy your Camera local IP address. Its a long number e.g.
- Access Camera Admin panel
- Click here to access your Camera Admin panel
- Enter your camera local IP address
- Click on submit
- In dialog box enter Username: “administrator”
- Password: leave it blank
- You will see an “Ok” Response. If you dont see "OK" please check your router and get the correct IP or repeat the reset process in step 1
- Secure your IP Camera with a strong password
- In your browser address bar type your camera's local IP e.g.
- Your Camera's Admin Panel will show up. If your camera admin panel doesn't show up, repeat step 2 from 1 to 6
- Click on Administration
- Click on Maintenance, under Administraion
- Set Administrator Password *Chose a strong password
- Verify Password: Retype your password
- Click Save
- Setup WIFI
- Click on Wireless under setup in your camera control panel
- Enter SSID: Your Wifi network name e.g. BELL1150, VIRGIN09
- Enter Shared Key: Your wifi password
- Click Save
- Close browser
- Good new! Your Camera is ready for IP Cam2 Lite (Beta) app setup
- Add Camera to IP Cam2 Lite (Beta) App
- Open app
- Click on add Camera
- Enter Camera name e.g. Front Door Cam, Back Door Cam, etc
- Select Camera type as “Sercomm8030” (it’s good for all these models RC8221, RC8221D, OC821D, RC8230, iCamera1, iCamera2, RC8025b-ADT, RC8221)
- Enter user: administrator
- Password: Your strong password as set in step 2
- Private IP: Your camera local IP address get in the first step, (Note: You can get this IP from your router)
- Private port: 80 (You can change this through administration panel, this function is not available in app, In future you will be able to change this through app)
- Public IP: Click on Get IP
- Public port: 80 (You can change this through administration panel, port forwarding need to be set at your router to allow access from outside home network)
- Test Camera
- Save Camera
Note: If test camera shows a blank screen or error. Please check your setting e.g. ursename, password, IP, ports and make sure these are correct.
< Setup video coming soon >
How to troubleshoot?
Contact us if you are experiencing any issue with setup.
How to view camera from outside?
Switch network button to public.
How to use IPCAM 2 Lite on home internet and outside network?
Switch network button to home or public network.
Is this app for Apple IOS and Google Android?
Yes, it works on both IOS and Android
Is IP CAM 2 App store any info on cloud?
No, it doesn't store any information on cloud, all info is stored on the device.
Is IP CAM 2 App secure?
Yes, its build as per app store and play store guidelines.
Is IP CAM 2 App available for Android?
How do I setup my Rogers home monitoring camera with IP CAM 2 Lite app?
Setup Rogers iCamera1 and iCamera2 with IP Cam2 Lite (Beta)
How do I setup my ADT home monitoring camera with IP CAM 2 Lite app?
Setup ADT Cameras with IP Cam2 Lite (Beta)
How do I reset my Rogers Sercomm RC 8030 camera?
- Unplug the power from the camera
- Plug in the power to the camera
- Hold the "reset" button on the back of the device for 20 seconds
- Plug in a network cable on the router and connect it to your network
- (You may need to power cycle the camera again without holding in the reset button if it doesn't connect to the network)
Download at App store | IOS
Coming Soon at Play store | Andorid
Note: This app currently support only Sercomm RC 8030/Rogers, RC8221, RC8221D, OC821D, RC8230, iCamera1, iCamera2, RC8025b-ADT, RC8221 IP Cameras. If you have any other brand of IP Camera. Please contact our technical support team for assistance. If you have got any questions regarding this app, or need assistance to setup camera, please feel free to contact us